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How to use this site

Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I hope you find it easy to navigate around this site but if you have any trouble be sure to let me know.

There are two parts to Tasting the sand:

  1. The expedition map
  2. Everything else

Both parts are accessed through the menus at the top of the screen as well as any links on the pages themselves.

1. Expedition map

This is where all the funny, unusual and interesting stories from our journey through the desert will appear. Starting with our arrival in Mauritania, I will gradually add more to cover the whole trip.

  • You can zoom and pan the map as you would a regular Google map.
  • Each pin on the map marks a different story.
  • If you click the pin a preview window shows a photo and the start of the story.
  • To read the full story, click the photo or the More information link in the preview window.
  • To read another story, either use the Next / Previous buttons or navigate back to the main map.
  • The expedition map is a little too large to work well on a phone so a list of posts is displayed instead.

2. Everything else

The rest of the website is just like any other and these pages cover how we planned the trip as well as some practical information in case you’d like to do something similar yourself. I hope to add more to this section as time goes by but feel free to ask me a question if there is anything specific you’d like to know.

I hope you enjoy your visit!

Where to go next:

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